Fully Funded Create Dav Summer School Program for International Students in Canada, 2019

Applications are open for the Fully Funded Create Dav Summer School Program 2019 organized by the CREATE-DAV. This program is open for a senior (year 3, preferably) undergraduate student that has a background in Computer Science, Math, Engineering or Psychology.
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Multi-institutional, interdisciplinary creation program in Data Analytics & Visualization (DAV), at York University, Toronto, provides an all-expenses-paid undergraduate summer school on big data science. The program covers all transportation costs and provides on-campus accommodations and meals.
CREATE-DAV is a training program funded by NSERC and jointly developed by York University, OCAD University, Concordia University and the University of Toronto.

Scholarship Description:

  • Applications Deadline: March 15, 2019.
  • Course Level: The scholarship is open at an undergraduate level.
  • Study Subject: The scholarship will be awarded in the field of Computer Science, Math, Engineering or Psychology.
  • Scholarship Award: The program will cover travel expenses up to $1300 CAD. In other words, should the cost of the travel exceed that amount, the applicant will be responsible for paying the remainder of their travel expenses.
  • Nationality: Internationally
  • Number of Scholarships: Not Known
  • Scholarship can be taken in Canada

Eligibility for the Scholarship:

To be eligible, the applicants must be following all the given criteria:
  • Eligible Countries: Scholarships are available to students from all around the world.
  • Entrance Requirements:
  • A senior (year 3, preferably) undergraduate student that has a background in Computer Science, Math, Engineering or Psychology.
  • Most of our applicants are undergraduates, but anyone who is considering applying to a master’s or Ph.D. program can apply.
  • The program accepts undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a career a career in the big data science.
  • It is intended mainly for students who are planning to apply to graduate school in late 2019, and are interested in investigating interdisciplinary research aspects of the big data science.
  • Citizens of all countries are eligible.

Application Procedure:

The application package consists of the following:
  • A Completed Online Application Form
  • A Reference Letter, which should be sent from a referee directly to CREATE DAV Program.
How to Apply: To apply for the scholarship, the applicants must submit an online application through the given link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfAVNPqrY6BD-vTdYf7F8hXekHtuur4bS0cOzhuQ2L9sdkM0Q/viewform
  • Reference letters can be sent by email to kapsh@yorku.ca or by mail to Irina Kapsh, CREATE DAV Program, York University, 4700 Keele Street, LAS 1012J, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3.
  • In your letter, describe how you know the applicant, their prospects for an academic career, and how they would benefit from attending the summer school.
The successful applicants will be notified of decisions by April 9, 2019.

Scholarship Link

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